Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Open your science notebook to PAGE 109.
Write the following QUESTIONS & ANSWERS in your notebook.

1.  What is a spectrascope?
Go to this Website to find out?
2.  Why do scientists use spectrascopes?
Go to this Website to find out why.

Go to Brainpop and login.  Search for Electromagnetic Spectrum
3. Number to 10 and answer the review quiz on page 109

Show Mrs. Miles your paper and get a spectrascope from her.
Look through the spectrascope at 3 different lights and draw or describe the sprectral lines you see:
4.  Draw or describe fluorescent light  (classroom lights)
5.  Draw or describe incadescent light (the overhead machine)
6.  Draw or describe black light (on the cabinet)
7.  Draw or describe sunlight (window)