Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mousetrap Project!!!

It's project time again. DUE during class on Monday, December 14th.
Click here to download the project if you lost your class copy.
I will go over every detail about this project during class.
Here are some helpful sites to get you started.
Mousetrap Car Site, Mousetrap Car Site 2

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Survey TIME!!

We would like to know how you liked or didn't like the past 6 days. Please click here to complete a short survey.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Walk This Way Graphs

1. Make a folder on your desktop called "GRAPHS".
2. Lets graph the data from our outside lab yesterday!!!
Click here to go to the graph website to create your 5 motion graphs.
3. Make sure you save EACH GRAPH on your computer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Simple Machine Assignments

1. Finish the 6 Frayer Models on simple machines from Tuesday. Make sure your name is on it & put it in the class box.
2. On page 8 of your ISN, copy the chart that is on the board. Then list the simple machines that you use throughout the day according to the chart.
3. Complete the Simple Machines card sort with a partner.
4. Click here, read information titled Who or What is Rube Goldberg and study the pictures. Look at all of the simple machines used in the Rube Goldberg cartoons. See how many simple machines you can identify.
Click here, read the steps of the Rube Goldberg in the first cartoon to remind a person to get a haircut. Study all of the steps while following them through the cartoon.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Simple Machines Info

Click the following sites for info about simple machines. Site A, Site B, Site C