seasons, astronomy, carbon cycle, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, air pollution, nitrogen cycle, water cycle, lunar cycle, plate tectonics, rock cycle, weathering & erosion, photosynthesis, catastrophic events, how the dinosaurs went extinct, global warming, fossil fuels, eclipses, oceans affect on climate.
Create a notebook page for each topic (Start with page 123).
You must create at least 3 review pages in your notebook.
Each page must include the following:
A. Title of the concept
B. A big idea or definition about the concept
C. A drawing / diagram
D. A question you created
C. A drawing / diagram
D. A question you created
E. Answer the question
RESEARCH YOUR TOPIC using the sites below, study guide or textbooks.
Site 1: Click HERE for a powerpoint review of Objective 5 materials
Site 2: Click HERE for Brainpop.
Site 3: Click HERE for great science animations.
Example Notebook page: (Remember you must have 3)
The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth which causes light to be more concentrated on different parts of the planet at different times of the year.
Q: Which position would be the northern hemisphere's winter?
A: The left position
This interactive site is great but currently not available.
The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth which causes light to be more concentrated on different parts of the planet at different times of the year.

Q: Which position would be the northern hemisphere's winter?
A: The left position
This interactive site is great but currently not available.